
[FACT OR FAKE #92] Do Tongkat Ali And Kacip Fatimah Actually Work?

According to Tongkat Ali and Kacip Fatimah product manufacturers, these herbs can do anything from curing erectile dysfunction to boosting your performance in the gym, but what does science say? We dig through studies and research in this week's FACT OR FAKE to find out.

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Tongkat Ali for men and Kacip Fatimah for women are both alleged libido boosting herbs native to Malaysia

Both these herbs are considered medicines that work as tonic, energy enhancer, and also as an aphrodisiac, with Kacip Fatimah said to help in weight loss among women

It's been claimed by Chris Kilham, the "Medicine Hunter," that "when people with low libido are given Tongkat Ali, it's Chinese New Year's fireworks in their pants"

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Chris Kilham, a 62-year-old from Massachusetts who refers to himself professionally as the “medicine hunter,” is checking Tongkat Ali, the root of an exotic tree that grows in the Malaysian rainforest.

Kilham has forged a career searching for medicinal plants on behalf of herbal supplement manufacturers, but his biography is silent about his educational background.

It does play up his books, which promote the benefits of cannabis, acai berries and dragon’s blood, as well as his frequent television appearances, especially on the Dr. Oz Show, which is not known for selecting guests based on scientific expertise.

So what's the deal here? Does Tongkat Ali and Kacip Fatimah actually work? How much of the claims attributed to them is FACT or FAKE?

Well, various extracts of the roots of Tongkat Ali do have a history of folkloric use for the treatment of malaria, fever, fatigue, high blood pressure, impotency and loss of sexual desire. But folklore is not scientific evidence.

According to WebMD, while evidence suggests one specific Tongkat Ali supplement might have some role in boosting sperm quality, evidence to rate it for any other claimed use including treatments for cancer, malaria and tuberculosis is insufficient.

There are numerous studies exploring the properties of Tongkat Ali, just as there are for all sorts of plants with reputed medicinal uses. Over 100 compounds have been isolated from the tree’s root and their molecular structures determined. Quite an achievement!

Many were found to have some biological activity in vitro, meaning in laboratory studies using cultured cells. Some extracts were reported to prevent the multiplication of breast cancer cells, others inhibit the activity of the parasite that causes malaria.

Nothing unusual here, thousands of plant-derived compounds have biological activity in the laboratory without ever proving to be of any clinical value.

However, there has been some scientific research investigating potential health benefits of Kacip Fatimah

From various in vitro studies, the plant's extract has been reported to display estrogenic activity, immunomodulation activity, and antioxidant activity. Other scientific research suggests that the plant has other uses, such as weight loss.

However, despite its long history of traditional use, the active components and mode of action have not been well studied, though some preliminary research has been published.

What about the supposed aphrodisiac effect? Well, a number of studies have explored this possibility, but almost all involved animals.

Rats have been shown to increase their ano-genital sniffing activities, as well as their mounting frequency. Castrated males increase their sexual activities when given an oral extract, but not as much as when treated with testosterone.

E. longifolia extracts also “produced a dose-dependent, recurrent and significant increase in the episodes of penile reflexes as evidenced by increases in quick flips, long flips and erections of treated males during a 30-minute observation period.” I’m not sure what a “quick flip” of a rat penis means, or whether this would be a desirable trait for a man.

Another study showed a 20-per-cent increase in libido after 10 weeks of supplementation with an herbal extract that included E. longifolia. The problem is that the study was carried out with boars.

What about studies with people? Actually, not much.

Only two human trials are listed, both of which show a measurable increase in testosterone levels, with one claiming an improvement in muscle strength as determined by a handgrip test, the other finding that men taking an extract had fewer complaints according to the Ageing Males’ Symptoms Scale, a standardized rating scale.

That's not exactly the evidence needed to support the claims behind Tongkat Ali that it boosts male libido.

FAKE: In conclusion, it's safe to say, given the dubious amount of actual scientific studies carried out, that the alleged claims behind these herbs boosting male and female libido are sadly not true

Although this herb increases energy levels, it also increases body temperature which can be counterproductive to performance enhancement particularly if the activity is being done in warm weather. Perhaps this herb could help in situations where the outside temperature is very cold, or swimming in cold waters.

However, there is also the risk for increased heart rate from the herb which may not be helpful. Overall, I don't think this herb is helpful for athletes except perhaps in situations where cold tolerance is a benefit. Much depends on the dosage used and this would be learned through trial and error.

While it wouldn't hurt to try if you feel that it could help your current situation, do remember that there are lots of fake products out there claiming to include Tongkat Ali as its principal ingredient but in fact consists of illegal substances

Sabah Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry Enforcement personnel checking sachets of the fake premix coffee.

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Late last year, police seized 40,000 sachets of fake Tongkat Ali premixed coffee in Sabah, so do your homework before you purchase. The packaging of the fake premixed coffee was so similar with the original that purchasers would have difficulty telling them apart.

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