
Parents, Find Out How You Can Tap Into Your Child's IQ And EQ Potential At This Brain Expo

It'll be happening at the Orange Concourse in Sunway Pyramid from 18 to 21 May!

Cover image via Enfagrow A+ (Provided to SAYS)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by Enfagrow A+.

Calling all parents, Enfagrow A+'s Holistic Brain Expo: An Educational Expo for Future Ready Kids is returning for the third year this May!

As the thought leader of brain development in children nutrition backed with 120 years of science, Enfagrow A+ wants to empower parents and educators, so that they can provide the right foundation for holistic brain development.

In collaboration with University Putra Malaysia (UPM), the Enfagrow A+ Holistic Brain Expo showcases the remarkable science in early brain development and how every child's potential is unlimited.

Parents and educators can also expect practical solutions for nurturing children above the age of five at the event, which is in its third reiteration this year.

Here's a closer look at the details:

Holistic Brain Expo: An Educational Expo for Future Ready Kids
Date: 18 to 21 May
Location: Orange Concourse, Sunway Pyramid
Admission: Open to the public for free!

The brain expo features interactive, fun experiences for the whole family

Brought to parents by Enfagrow A+, the Holistic Brain Expo returns for the third time this year.

Image via Enfagrow A+ (Provided to SAYS)

Research suggests 90% of brain development happens during the first five years of a child's life.

Enfagrow A+ adds that children require good nutritional foundation, familial bonding, and positive experiences as the building blocks for lifelong holistic (intellectual, emotional, and social) development to succeed during this golden period.

The cool thing is, you'll be able to learn all this through fun and educational activities at the event, so mark your calendars! Your kiddos will certainly love the family day out too. ;D

Here are some activities the entire family can look forward to during the brain expo:

Experience an immersive and electrifying display that mimics the brain's neural networks to discover how a child's mind develops

Brain Waves
What are lazy and active brain waves? Find out how your brain waves react to different elements in this fun, educational activity!

The Brain Station
Explore the human mind and how different parts of the brain are responsible for different functions.

Human Brain Museum
Catch this fascinating exhibition — done in collaboration with UPM's Associate Professor Dr. Cheah Pike See, who is an anatomist and neuroscientist  — which features real and synthetic brains on display

Brain Anatomy
Featuring technology used by medical students in UPM, this augmented reality activity lets your child try their hand at dissecting the human brain to learn more about its inner workings

Mirror Maze Challenge
Have fun testing eye-hand coordination in this flipped perspective challenge that doubles as a form of brain exercise

Watch this short video to learn more:

If you're a parent, the thought of equipping your child with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing environment may cross your mind more than once

You can breathe easier, as this is where Enfagrow A+ wants to help.

According to Enfagrow A+, it is the only brand that contains milk fat globule membrane (MFGM)* to nourish EQ development and expert-recommended DHA^ that aids IQ development.

Essentially, MFGM helps build sharper minds, while other nutrients like 2'-FL (2'-Fucosyllactose) in the growing up milk work to strengthen your child's immune system.

*Compared to key growing up milk brands in the market as of Oct'2021.

^FAO/WHO recommends daily dietary DHA intake of 10 to 12mg/kg body weight for children 12 to 24 months or 100 to 150mg DHA+EPA for children two to four years old. Enfagrow A+ MindPro Step 3 provides 120mg of DHA with three servings/day. Reference: FAO 2010. Fats and fatty acids in human nutrition. Report of an expert consultation. FAO Food and Nutrition Paper no.91. FAO: Rome.

Providing children a nutritional head start, Enfagrow A+ helps with optimal IQ and EQ development.

You can find out more about the brand and Holistic Brain Expo: An Educational Expo for Future Ready Kids from Enfagrow A+ Malaysia's Facebook page.

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