
Bring Out Your A-Game By Staying Hydrated With 100PLUS That's Packed With Electrolytes

You'll get a mental and physical boost to make the most out of your day by consuming Malaysia’s No.1* Isotonic Drink. :D

Cover image via @zarolzarif (Instagram) , @neetamanis (Instagram) , @syafiq.157 (Instagram)

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This Spotlight is sponsored by 100PLUS.

Be honest — have you been keeping yourself hydrated recently?

Image via Tenor

Since Malaysia's been experiencing some rainy weather as of late, it's easy to assume that we don't need to hydrate as much as we normally do when it's super hot out there, kan?

Nuh-uh, that ain’t the case. Regardless of the weather, your body still needs plenty of liquids to stay hydrated, because your body is constantly losing fluids throughout the day.

Aside from drinking water, did you know that isotonic drinks contain electrolytes for optimum hydration?

Electrolytes are essential for bodily processes such as blood pressure regulation, muscle and nerve function, and of course — hydration. They are naturally occurring minerals in your body, such as calcium, chloride, potassium, and sodium. You can easily lose electrolytes when you lose a large amount of body fluids.

While losing body fluids, you can choose to drink beverages which contain electrolytes in order to replenish them in your body. No matter what your daily routine is, be it working and studying from home or performing strenuous activities that make you sweat, staying hydrated with beverages that are packed with electrolytes can help you stay focused and feel energised to take on anything that comes your way.

You can have it all with a bottle of 100PLUS, as it is formulated with electrolytes to give you the mental and physical boost to be at your 100% and seize the day!

Mmhmm, nothing beats a cold bottle of 100PLUS to keep you feeling hydrated and energised, kan? With variants such as carbonated, non-carbonated, reduced sugar, zero sugar, and more, there's a 100PLUS for everyone. This refreshing lifestyle drink is formulated with electrolytes to keep you hydrated and focused on whatever activity you're doing.

And it's not just for sports buffs either. Be it for dancing, singing, playing e-games, reading, or even binge-watching your favourite shows, staying hydrated with 100PLUS means you’ll be able to give your 100% and give your best shot in everything that you do!

In fact, 100PLUS wants you to show everyone how you give 100% while pursuing your passion with #JOM100

With this movement, 100PLUS wants to encourage everyone to share their JOM100 moment on Instagram, where they can flaunt their passion while giving it 100%.

Need some inspo? Check out these Malaysians who did it:

1. Syafiq Aiman, who has over a million YouTube subscribers on his gaming channel, is able to get all his tasks done by staying focused and giving his best shot

2. Singer Talitha has many passions, some of which include outdoor activities. Being 100% focused and ready, her rad skating skills make it look effortless and fun!

3. As for popular artist Izzrin Irfan, he's able to maintain his energetic personality as he pursues his passion in music with a boost from 100PLUS

Now, it's your turn! Here's how you can participate in the JOM100 movement:

STEP 1: Record yourself giving 100% effort in what you're passionate about 
STEP 2: Search for the Instagram sticker with the keywords 'JOM100' or '100PLUS' and include it in your video 
STEP 3: Share the video on your Instagram by tagging @my100plus with the hashtag #JOM100 (Don't forget to set your account to public!)

Thirsty for 100PLUS? Check out their full range on their website! You can also participate in the JOM100 movement by following them on their Instagram.

*Based on Retail Index Service for Carbonated Soft Drink category for the 12 months ending July 2020 in Total Malaysia. (Copyright © 2020, The Nielsen Company (M) Sdn Bhd)

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