
[VIDEO] Netizens Are Tearing Up Over This Touching CNY Video Of An Uncle's Love & Kindness

The heartwarming video is based on a true story :'(

Cover image via Digi

This Spotlight is sponsored by Digi.

Have you ever wondered why we always eat fish during Chinese New Year?

Whether it's steamed fish or smoked salmon in our yee sang, we seem to be very fond of fish, especially when it comes to Chinese New Year.

And it all comes from the saying 年年有余 (nian nian you yu).

This is an expression commonly used during Chinese New Year to wish people abundance and surplus every year. 余 (surplus) also shares the same pronunciation with 鱼 (fish), which is why fish is a must-have dish during this festive season.

However, this year, Digi is taking it one step further with their CNY short film 福心有余 (fu xin you yu), which translates as 'a generous heart will result in surplus'. Through this short film, Digi wants to remind us that a little love and kindness can bring an abundance of joy to others, and sometimes even a pleasant surprise to oneself.

Watch Digi's latest CNY short film below:

Inspired by a true story, 福心有余 or From the Heart tells the story of Mr. Tan, a selfless father who goes out of his way to make his neighbours' celebration a meaningful one.

While he can't celebrate Chinese New Year with his daughter and granddaughter this year, he keeps up his yearly tradition of sending fresh fish to his neighbours. Little does he realise how his act of kindness will come back full circle when he least expects it.

This short film captures the beauty of everyday life, with Mr. Tan collecting fish at the dock to deliver to his neighbours during CNY

Image via Digi

While things are slightly different this year, it doesn't stop him from going out of his way bring some joy to his neighbours

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However, it becomes a little sad when Mr. Tan isn't able to meet or spend the festive season with his family

Image via Digi

And the bittersweet ending will definitely give you all the feels

Image via Digi

Before you start watching, you should go grab yourself some tissues, 'cause this video is a real tearjerker T.T

Here's what some netizens had to say about it:

While our CNY celebrations may be more modest this year, we can still make it special with those who matter the most to us

Digi wishes all Malaysians a very Happy Chinese New Year, and to stay safe and healthy this festive season! :)

Watch the full video on Digi's Official YouTube channel or Facebook page.

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