
3 Easy Ways To Appreciate Your Dad And Make Him Smile This Father's Day

Sometimes all your dad wants is to spend time with you.

Cover image via Geovanny Velásquez/Unsplash & Oakdene Designs

This Spotlight is sponsored by Polident.

Mums always get a lot of love and attention, as they should, but we can never forget the countless sacrifices our dads make for us either!

Image via Ninja Housewife

While many old school Malaysian fathers tend to be on the strict side, they often show their love in a million different ways.

From working overtime to pay the bills, to teaching us discipline and hard work, our dads push us to be the best versions of ourselves

Some of our dads work long hours, some even work outstation, just to provide for the family and give us a better opportunity. Though they may not always say much, they are often the ones who see our potential, even when we don't :')

Of course, some dads are funny! The types who joke around, make us laugh, and are sooooooo embarrassing haha.

No matter what kind of man your father is, there's no denying he deserves love and respect all year round.

This Father's Day, here are a few simple ways you can appreciate that special man in your life and put a smile on his face:

1. Spend time with him doing something he likes

Image via Freepik

Most of our dads like to be active and get their hands moving. Whether it's fixing something in the house, tending to the garden at home, or bringing the dog out for a walk, take time to something with your dad.

Even if you're not good at it, your dad will be more than willing to help you out and show you a few tips.

The best part is that during these times, when you're both working together on something, you'll be able to bond deeper and get to know each other better.

2. Have a conversation with him... a real conversation

Sometimes it's hard for the older male generation to open up for heart-to-hearts, but you're definitely missing out on a world of wisdom and insight if you don't try.

Go beyond the usual small talk. Cozy up with a cup (or two) of hot coffee and ask your dad to share his stories. There's something really special about fathers telling tales of their past, trials and tribulations they went through in their youth, fun and crazy stories you never imagined your dad could get up to!

If you're not able to be with your dad, give him a call and take the time to really talk to him.

Not only will you feel closer to your dad, he'll definitely appreciate the fact that you listened and wanted to learn a little more about him.

3. Cook him something special

Image via Adam Liaw

There's every day food, once a week food, and special occasion food. Make him a special occasion meal. You know what they say, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach!

Whether it's a guilty pleasure that only gets eaten once in a blue moon, or his personal childhood favourite, everyone has that special meal they just love to indulge in.

Your dad is sure to love the effort and deliciousness of this Father's Day surprise!

At the end of the day, all your dad wants is to spend time with you. Whether that means hanging out watching TV or chatting over the phone, you're the reason he smiles <3

For elderly parents, Polident provides oral hygiene solutions to ensure those with dentures continue to smile with confidence

Dentures can be 10 times softer than natural teeth. This makes it difficult for many dentures-wearers to enjoy food the way they used to.

If your father wears dentures, this is an excellent opportunity to help him indulge in his favourite meal again with Polident Denture Adhesive. With snug fit dentures thanks to Polident Denture Adhesive, it provides 38% more bite force* and helping avoid food particles from getting trapped between dentures and gums, your dad is set to enjoy all his fave meals again!

*versus no adhesive after one hour.

Meanwhile, the adhesive also provides a strong hold for up to 12 hours, so your dad has the confidence to enjoy life to the fullest.

In addition to being softer than natural teeth, dentures also require special cleaning. Brushing dentures with normal toothpaste causes scratches and damage, which leads to plaque and bacteria build-up.

This can lead to discomfort and oral hygiene issues for your dad :( That's why it's really important you help keep those dentures clean.

Polident Denture Cleanser is specially formulated to clean dentures and help remove tough stains and plaque^, so your dad can smile with confidence. It also kills 99.9% of odour-causing bacteria*, thus preventing bacterial growth. And even kills harmful germs ten times more than regular toothpaste**, keeping dentures clean and fresh.

^ when used as directed.
* in laboratory tests.
** soaking only, in laboratory tests.

Making sure your dad has the correct adhesive and cleanser is truly the best gift you can provide for a dentures-wearer. It's more than just food and hygiene, it's providing your dad with confidence and happiness too!

Give your loved ones the confidence to smile again. Buy Polident now on Shopee!

Image via Polident

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