
4 Girls And A Guy Share Their Reviews Of The Supplement That Helped Clear Their Acne

Will one sachet a day really keep the blemishes away? We got 5 SAYS readers to put BiO-LiFE Clearance to the test.

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BiO-LiFE's latest product, a blackcurrent flavoured drink called Clearance, claims to be able to reduce acne, blemishes and redness in just 14 days

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BiO-LiFE Clearance 200mg uses active ingredient Praventin™ - a clinically proven bioactive protein, rich in Lactoferrin. Designed specifically for the reduction of acne and blemishes, and redness associated with a poor complexion. BiO-LiFE Clearance 200mg is not accompanied by any side effects and works fast from the inside out, not only to clear acne but also promote skin healing and recovery for a clear and healthy skin complexion.

That's a big promise to make. Is BiO-LiFE Clearance as effective as it boasts to be? 5 SAYS readers went on a 30-day BiO-LiFE Clearance regiment and gave their unbiased review of the product:

These reviews are 100% honest and were written by the participants themselves.

Rachel Wang, 20, thought the powder mix tasted really diluted but couldn't care less as she saw a noticable decrease in acne breakouts

Rachel Wang before taking BiO-LiFE Clearance.

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"My skin condition was a combination of oily and dry and my daily face wash routine consists of cleanser, toner, pimple gel, and hydration spray. I do not wear any make up and I'm not on any skin medication. Before I started my BiO-LiFE Clearance regiment, I faced skin problems like acnes on both sides of my cheeks and forehead, blemishes on random parts of the face, blackheads on my nose, and my face was very oily. But after 2 weeks of my regiment, I noticed a drastic improvement on my skin and a decrease in acne breakouts. Also, my skin wasn't as oily as before. The instructions provided on the package were simple and straightforward. The only down side was that the blackcurrant juice powder mix tasted really diluted. But it didn't bother me as I was noticing real improvements on my skin!"

Rachel Wang after taking BiO-LiFE Clearance for 30 days.

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Pimples are still a hassle for Siti Zubaidah, 21, but since consuming BiO-LiFE Clearance, her pimples are smaller and not as red

Siti Zubaidah before taking BiO-LiFE Clearance.

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"It's been a month since I started consuming BiO-LiFE Clearance. I'm very happy with the results. The pimples still come out but not too big and less redness. I should consume more of this product. I really need this BiO-LiFE Clearance. These is how I look after a month."

Siti Zubaidah after taking BiO-LiFE Clearance for 30 days.

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Hajar Ashikin, 21, is glad that she doesn't have to deal with new pimples every day anymore. She says her skin is now less oily and her stubborn scars are starting to fade.

Hajar Ashikin before taking BiO-LiFE Clearance.

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"Selepas consume BiO-LiFE Clearance, seawal 14 hari aku dah nampak perubahan tu. And now, selepas 30 hari perubahan tu makin dapat dilihat, muka kurang berminyak dan yang paling penting parut-parut degil mulai pudar dan jerawat mula mengecut. Kalau sebelum ni, boleh dikatakan setiap hari akan ada jerawat baru yang tumbuh tapi selepas consume BiO-LiFE Clearance, jerawat hanya tumbuh ketika datang bulan. Lagi satu perubahan yang aku nampak adalah kulit aku putih sikit berbanding sebelum ni. I'm so happy dengan perubahan ni. Lepas ni tak perlu pakai makeup or bedak tebal-tebal semata-mata nak tutup cela ni."

Hajar Ashikin before and after taking BiO-LiFE Clearance for 30 days.

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It only took 7 days for Natalie Ang, 23, to see less redness on her face. Although acne scars are still visible, it has greatly improved.

Natalie Ang before taking BiO-LiFE Clearance.

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"I noticed less redness on my skin on the 7th day of consuming BiO-LiFE. During menses, I noticed that I did not breakout as much as I normally would. Acne scars are still visible but it has improved a lot and my skin is less oily now."

Natalie Ang after taking BiO-LiFE Clearance for four weeks.

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22-year-old Fan Soo Kheng saw a drastic improvement after 4 weeks of drinking BiO-LiFE Clearance. His acne is significantly less inflamed and heals faster than before.

Fan Soo Kheng before taking BiO-LiFE Clearance.

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"After consuming BiO-LiFE Clearance for 4 weeks, I noticed that my skin has fewer breakouts and the size of acne has reduced significantly. Moreover, acne recovers faster without leaving a scar behind. With the positive effect, I’ll continue consuming BiO-LiFE Clearance and hope to achieve clear skin one day."

Fan Soo Kheng after taking BiO-LiFE Clearance for four weeks.

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EXCLUSIVE FOR SAYS READERS: Get RM8 off when you buy your very own BiO-LiFE Clearance using this voucher

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For more info on BiO-LiFE, check out their Facebook page here.