
YouTuber Goes To The Doctor For A Backache But Finds Out She Has Two Vaginas Instead

We find out how is it like to have not one, but two vaginas in this week's #WTFWednesday.

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Youtuber Cassandra Bankson is famous for dishing out advice from makeup to bullies. However, she surprised one million of her fans when she did a 180 and reveals she is has a rare medical condition

Cassandra Bankson, who blogs on her channel DiamondsAndHeels14, told her one million subscribers that doctors made the discovery after she complained of lower back pain. The 22-year-old, from San Francisco, set up her channel four years ago to offer advise on everything from living with severe acne, to make-up tips and how to deal with bullies.

A visit to the doctor for her back aches led to her discovery of having one kidney and if that wasn't shocking enough... TWO vaginas!

When she started to complain of back pain last summer, doctors suggested she undergo an ultrasound, MRI and blood tests.

“When we got the test results back the doctor said I only had one kidney and flippantly added that I have two vaginas -- as she suspected," Bankson told Barcroft TV.

Also known as "uterus didelphys" (or double uterus), this condition occurs when the two small tubes that typically join together to create one hollow uterus don't completely merge. So you end up with a single vaginal opening, but two vaginal cavities, two uteruses, and two cervices.

So what's it like having two vaginas?! Not all that fun. Ever since she was young, Cassandra has been plagued with crippling cramps, mood swings, misbehaving bowels and worse yet - two periods a month. Imagine: 23 to 28 days of bloodbath down south, folks.

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"Ever since I was younger, even without knowing about this condition, I've gone to the doctor because I was bleeding for 23-28 days and I would have two periods a month," she explains.

"Or I would have crippling cramps, I couldn’t move – or my bowels would just not want to behave because the cramps were so bad and mood swings."

But Cassandra believes this condition has made her "twice the woman" she is, figuratively of course. She is learning to beat life's hurdles, love herself and educate others on the stigma surrounding vaginas.

Image via Pose

Even if it's only figurative, I like to hold onto the analogy that I am "twice the woman." I'm a strong believer that the hardest thing in life to overcome is yourself, and this is an example of a territory which I am currently navigating.

I'm learning to overcome life's obstacles, love myself in every aspect, and take this opportunity as a chance to help educate others, not just about this condition, but further break open and inspect the stigma of how the world views women and their vaginas.

She even uses her sex organs as a punch line to her jokes. Her first car was named the"Magical Vaginal Mobile" and she even looked for a license plate "MAGVAJ2" to match.

Image via Wordpress

I spent my whole life joking with my family and friends, making myself and this condition the punch line. The first car I ever bought was coined the "Magical Vaginal Mobile" and I had the audacity to seek out "MAGVAJ2" as my license plate.

The big question though: Does an extra vagina provide more pleasure or pain during sexy time? She says, it depends! It can be very painful to some, but if you're the lucky other it can be VERY pleasurable as well ;)

As for how uterus didelphys can affect one's sex life, Bankson says, "for some people having two vaginas can make it very painful – for others I assume there are more nerve endings so it could be more pleasurable."

Watch her interview on how it's like to have two vaginas here:

Now doesn't this sound like the guy with two penises dubbed "Double Dick Dude" made famous by Reddit ? We can't help but imagine how crazy it would be if they met!

Get double the amount of WTF-ness you could possibly handle in one day:

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