
You’d Never Expect Kim Jong-Un To Sound Like THIS...

He definitely does NOT sound like Mickey Mouse!

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North Korea supreme leader, trendsetter and all around bad boy Kim Jong-un has graced headlines around the world for his crazy antics

Image via CNN

How is he a trendsetter, you might ask? Just look at that hair, nuff' said. And by trendsetter, we also mean he has laid down a law forcing all young men in North Korea to have the same mop top.

But most of us have no idea how the ever-elusive Supreme Leader actually sounds like. Does he have a manly and gruff voice? Or does he squeak like a teenage boy?

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Such a happy man.

You’re about to find out. In a rare video released to the world by North Korea, Kim Jong-un proves that he does indeed have the voice of a ruler.

Image via IBN Times

The video shows Kim giving the opening speech at the Seventh Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea in Pyongyang.

The congress, which was held on 9 May, started off with an incredibly loud and monotonous round of applause for around 2 minutes

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What a huge auditorium.

The 33-year-old ruler then took the stage with a speech to address the exhilarated crowd

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The Supreme Leader talked about the party’s "grim struggle", "glorious victory" and so on.

That's cool and all but what really caught our attention was his strong, gruff vocal chords!

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We were surprised to see him read his speech from some unstapled pieces of A4 paper… like a nervous schoolboy speaking onstage for the first time!

The video was uploaded by Explore DPRK, a channel dedicated to all things North Korea

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It has gotten over 500k views at the time of writing.

Watch the eye-opening video here:

However, some are saying that the voice has actually been dubbed over because he sounds a bit different from his New Year's Day address in 2014

Very much softer and soft spoken here.

Speaking of North Korea, have you seen 'The Interview'?

And did you know wearing jeans is strictly forbidden in the country?

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