
#MannequinChallenge: The Latest Viral Meme That's Literally Putting The World On Hold

Celebrities, pro athletes, and even Hillary Clinton have jumped on the viral trend.

Cover image via SAYS

How long can you hold a still pose? The answer better be "hella long", coz that's what the Internet's latest viral meme is counting on!

Dubbed the #MannequinChallenge, the video trend features a group of people seemingly frozen in time while a camera weaves around them, capturing the "paused" moment

The viral (non-)movement is believed to have been started by students from Edward H. White High School in Jacksonville, Florida after a video showing several students posing like mannequins (hence the name of the meme) was uploaded to Twitter on 27 October.

The phenomenon soon spread to kids from other schools and before long, caught on with the adults too! Pro athletes were one of the first to ride on the viral wave, like the boys of football clubs Borussia Dortmund and Manchester City:

Celebrities like Adele got into the trend too, with TV talkshow hosts Ellen DeGeneres and James Corden upping every other attempt with a floating ping pong ball and roping in the live audience respectively

The Hillary Clinton camp took the challenge up to the skies before Election Day, with a cameo appearance by Jon Bon Jovi (!!!)

We gotta say, it's a pretty cool meme to get behind! So how could we resist creating the SAYS edition of the #mannequinchallenge? :D

Have you taken on the #MannequinChallenge? Send us the link of your videos in the comments section below or to [email protected]!

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