
Uncle Carries His Niece Over Flooded Ground On Her Wedding Day To Protect Her Bridal Gown

No words, just tears.

Cover image via @oohlysa (TikTok)

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Every person probably envisions their wedding day as the most perfect day of their life. But sometimes, unexpected natural occurrences may crop up.

A recent TikTok has been warming the hearts of Malaysians around the country after one bride received a much needed 'lift' on her wedding day.

In the 30-second clip, the woman can be seen being carried by a man to a stage erected outside of a house. Due to a storm that seemed to ravage their surroundings, the man carried the bride to ensure that she didn't get wet when moving to the wedding dais.

After being placed down, the bride is overcome with emotion as she turns to look at the man with tears in her eyes. The TikTok ends with the man touching her face gently, before turning towards the house to ask for the bride's flower bouquet.

Screen grab from the TikTok of the bride being carried across the flood water.

Image via @oohlysa (TikTok)

There wasn't a dry eye left in the comments section, as many people chimed in to say how touched they were by the TikTok

"Who wouldn't cry seeing a father carrying his daughter on her wedding day?" wrote one user, while another person stated that the man's immediate reaction to ask for the bride's bouquet after putting her down brought them to tears.

Some chose to find humour through the emotion exuded by the clip, with a few stating how their dads would never be able to carry them due to their weight

"My father wouldn't be able to pick me up because I'm as heavy as an 80kg packet of rice," joked one person.

One user even bantered about having put her skincare products on her face before watching the TikTok, saying that the video nearly made her cry and ruin her effort. "My tears are on the edge of coming out!" she wrote.

Nevertheless, one sweet comment came from a user who simply wrote, "Dads will always be superheroes for their daughters."

After going viral, the bride's best friend, Lysa, who posted the TikTok, clarified that the man who carried the bride through the rain was not her father, but her uncle

Providing context to the situation, Lysa stated that the bride's father had unfortunately passed away last year.

In a brief conversation with SAYS, Lysa explained that while a few issues had arisen leading up to her friend's wedding day, the celebration was nevertheless a joyous one

According to Lysa, the bride, whose nickname is Awin, was disheartened due to the disruptive weather that affected her wedding day, as many of her friends were not able to attend the nuptials. 

"All of us are from Pulau Tioman, but many of her friends didn't get to attend the wedding in Rompin, Pahang, because no ferries were available," Lysa said to this SAYS writer. 

Explaining the significance of Awin's uncle on her wedding day, Lysa stated that he had taken the responsibility of being her wali since her father passed away. Referred to as a male representative in Islam, a wali is meant to play the role of legal guardian to the bride, to 'give her away' on her wedding day.

And despite the rainy weather that plagued the wedding venue, Lysa conveyed to SAYS that the wedding did indeed go well with the help of Awin's family, adding that the festivities were full of joy.

Awin and her uncle.

Image via @oohlysa (TikTok)

I don't know about you, but I need a tissue... box.

Watch the full TikTok below:

@oohlysa this video that i recorded before the akad nikah really makes me wanna cry @• Awin • #banjir Sempurna - DENII

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Another Malaysian couple didn't let some rain overshadow their gorgeous wedding pictures:

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