
"Relatives & Exes" Of A Kelantanese Man Who Won RM1 Million Come Out Of Hiding

The 21-year-old man, who became the youngest to win the Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) SSP lucky draw, finds he is suddenly everybody's favourite person in Malaysia.

Cover image via Malay Mail

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On Saturday, 6 March, Bank Simpanan Nasional (BSN) announced its first winner of the BSN Sijil Simpanan Premium Special Draw of 2021

The winner, a 21-year-old man, brought home RM1 million in cash savings.

The man, who is from Kelantan and was not named due to security reasons, became the youngest winner in the country since BSN's RM1 million special draw was introduced in 2014.

Image via Berita Harian

The announcement made headlines with Harian Metro reporting about the lucky young man, who was now a million ringgit richer.

The news seemed to have prompted thousands of long-lost "relatives and exes" to come out of hiding to claim links to the young man.

In the comment section of Harian Metro's Facebook post, thousands have since taken to shower the man with love, reminding him how he is related to each one of them in one way or the other.

Among others, a woman commented that she's sorry for rejecting him before due to the age difference between them, but she's now ready to accept him as love is all that matters.

With over 3,100 comments at the time of writing this SAYS story, the 21-year-old man probably baffled after suddenly finding out that he everybody's favourite person in Malaysia.

Many left comments saying that he is their long-lost brother

"Thank goodness for this news, Harian Metro. If not for this news, I'll have remained separated from my foster brother. Congratulations, adik for winning RM1 million," commented a reader.

"Alhamdulillah! My youngest sibling, separated since birth, finally reunited. Thank you, BSN."

One commenter even left their number for the young man to contact them.

"Thank you, Harian Metro for reuniting with my younger brother who has been lost since childhood. To Roslan's younger brother, take this brother's phone number, come home, okay, little brother."

Another said they forgive the young man's any apparent sins.

"Litter brother, I have never been angry at you. Little brother, I forgive all your sins."

Image via Tenor

There were old flames and future prospects waiting for him

One left a comment, asking him to propose to keep his promise as it's not good to break a promise.

An ex was apparently ready for a fresh start.

I'm sorry I rejected you back then because of our age difference. Can you take me back? We make a fresh start.

Meanwhile, another woman joked that she's still young enough for him.

"Alhamdulillah for your provisions, son. Aunt's provisions haven't come yet but auntie has a 15-year-old girl. I can wait for another five years. Invest your money, son. I can be your aunty-in-law," commented another.

In December last year, a lucky punter who had been buying lottery tickets every now and then for the past 20 years won RM17.5 million:

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