
"How Many Buttholes Do You Have At Home?" - Lee Chong Wei Joins Toilet Paper Confusion

Jokes aside, he also encouraged Malaysians to stay at home and fight this pandemic together.

Cover image via Instagram @leechongweiofficial & TODAY/Malay Mail

Our badminton hero Datuk Lee Chong Wei had a very relatable grocery shopping experience just before the Restriction of Movement Order (RMO) was enforced

LCW took to Instagram to share what happened after his wife, fellow national shuttler Wong Mew Choo, gave him a shopping list to follow.

"It happened two days ago, Mew Choo made a list of whatever necessary for two weeks," he wrote. He had to pick up some chicken, vegetables, rice, eggs, instant noodles, cooking oil, and a packet of toilet roll.

However when he reached the supermarket, he said he was surprised to see so many "aunties dashing around the store with overflowing shopping trolleys"

"Situation was crazy," he said, and compared the anxiety that he felt at that moment to the very first Olympics Games he played at years ago.

Yet, he managed to get everything in his shopping list, except toilet paper. And he soon saw why.

"There were people pushing trolleys with 10 packs of toilet paper! How many buttholes do you have at home?" he asked.

SIngaporean shoppers buying toilet paper after the country raised an alert for the COVID-19 outbreak last month.

Image via TODAY/Malay Mail

Fortunately for him, he was greeted by a friend who gave him an extra pack that he had grabbed

"Lee, you can take this pack. I took two just now and you know I don't use it to wash," joked his friend, Nazir, who stayed nearby.

LCW then paid for his groceries and sped off as soon as he could, as he knew the coronavirus is highly contagious.

Supermarkets were crowded with shoppers the day before the Restriction of Movement Order was implemented on 18 March.

Image via Miera Zulyana/Malay Mail

"My friends, I know we are facing an unprecedented crisis. Please do store food, but don't store like there is no tomorrow," he urged his fans

He also advised everyone to stay at home, "Treat this as though you yourself are carrying the virus, don't go back to your hometown to your parents. Stay home! If you don't, your loved ones may die!"

LCW added that when Malaysians work together, we would be able to win the war against the pandemic.

"Lastly, my utmost appreciation to the frontliners like doctors, nurses, hospital staff, and supermarket cashiers," he wrote, "You risk your lives so we can live ours. Chong Wei bows to you guys. Thank you."

Malaysians flooded the comments to appreciate his storytelling skills in Bahasa Malaysia and his sense of humour

At the time of writing, the post has been liked over 76,000 times, and had over 1,500 comments.

"The best line has to be 'how many buttholes do you have at home'," laughed one Instagram user.

"Did this sentence seriously come out of Datuk LCW's own mouth?" asked a netizen who found it hard to believe.

While another said, "Your Bahasa Malaysia is too good, Datuk. We hope that you and everyone else stays well."

The post has since been amended to include a statement to acknowledge that "toilet paper was important in previous pandemics due to issues such as unclean water and psychological effects".

Read his original post here:

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Dua hari lepas, ada khabar angin restriction order berkenaan coronavirus ni. So Mew Choo pon suruh pergi beli ape yg patut untuk 2 minggu ni. Wife add maths lagi terrer, so ikot shopping list wife. Family 4 orang, ayam 5 ekor, beras 1 bag, sayur 2 minggu, Maggie 2 pack, telor 2 dozen, buah, toilet paper 1 bag. Tapi time I sampai supermarket, aduhai! Ramainyer auntie2 makcik2, macam lumba marathon trolly! Kalah Khairul Jantan! Nasib baik sempat lagi kumpul shopping list wife. Tapi toilet paper I terlambat. Ternganga I tgk mamat depan I tapao 10 bag tisu jamban! Banyaknyer jubur kat rumah. (Toilet papers are important during previous pandemic period due to unclean water and psychological effect) Datang suatu suara menyeru dari belakang, ”Lee, nah amik bag ni. I terambik 2. Tadi tgk sumer rebut tapao wa pon terikot amik extra, ntah kenape, bukan I pakai untuk basuh pon!“ Dia Nazir, sahabat yang tinggal berhampiran. Kita tergelak and catch up sket. Selepas tu, makin ramai gangster trolly serbu, I pon terus cabut, sebab I tau virus ni merebak mudah. Kawan sekalian, saya berharap agar jangan cemas menghadapi krisis ini. Simpanlah makanan tapi berpatutanlah bilangannya. Dan I minta tolong semua duduk di rumah jgn keluar sementara ni. Jangan balik kampong macam cuti raya. Ko mungkin ok, tapi yg mati nnt orang tersayang. Percayalah, mimpi ngeri ini akan berakhir. Jangan panic. Kita warga Malaysia tak kira bangsa dan agama berganding bahu, bertolak ansur, tolong menolong, hari itu akan sampai dengan lebih cepat. Kepada frontliners, para doctor, missi, kakitangan hospital dan juga cashier pasaraya yang terus berkhidmat dalam masa ini. Terimalah tunduk kehormatan dari saya! Cara paling baik kita membalas budi dan bersumbang, is to #STAYHOME #JUSTSTAYATHOME #STAYHOMESAFELIFES #WEAREMALAYSIAN #MALAYSIABOLEH

A post shared by Datuk Wira Lee Chong Wei (@leechongweiofficial) on

Since the COVID-19 outbreak started, toilet paper has all of a sudden become quite a big deal:

LCW's social media posts are always golden:

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