
Miss Partying It Up? Here Are Some Ideas To Throw A House Party

As nightclubs remain closed in Malaysia, we can always find a way to create our own parties at home.

Cover image via Antoine J/Unsplash & tirachardz/Freepik

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Malaysia is approaching the endemic stage after two years of lockdowns, but certain entertainment outlets will remain closed

On 9 March, Health Minister of Malaysia Khairy Jamaluddin announced that while Malaysia is in the midst of transitioning into the endemic stage, nightclubs are still not permissible to be opened come 1 April. 

Ensuring popular nightlife spots such as Kyō and Zouk will remain closed for the moments notice, party folks shouldn't need to wait for the reopening of these establishments to have some fun.

Here are some ideas to keep in mind if you plan to throw a party at your house:

Come up with a theme

Everyone loves to attend a party, but they have to know what kind of party it'll be. 

Whether it's creating a theme based on a periodic era like the 70's, or asking everyone to come in costume, build some hype over the kind of party you plan to throw. 

Make sure it's not too difficult to achieve though, it is a party after all! 

Decorate your house

Going hand-in-hand with the theme you choose, make sure the party embraces every aspect of what you have in mind. 

You don't need to go broke to create an ambiance enjoyable for the whole experience. Simple additions such as balloons and makeshift signs can easily turn your house into a Tiki Bar, a Pirate's Cove, and even a Haunted Manor.

Play your own music

Clubs and bars always have a set playlist, so you dance to any song that comes on in the moment.

What's the perk of creating your own party at home? The music is your choice! Create a cool Spotify playlist before the party commences or pull out some records and give it a spin.

Clear the couch, make a dance floor

The biggest appeal of bars and nightclubs is clear: the dance floor. Having a party with no space to dance may just kill the buzz before it gets started.

Move the couch back, and if you have a coffee table, move it to another room momentarily. Give yourself and your invitees the chance to let loose and dance the night away.

Stock up on food and drinks

It would be hard to imagine going to a club and ordering a cup of water for the rest of the night.

From non-alcoholic beverages, soft drinks and liquors alike, create a special minibar and allow your guests to mix-and-match any variation of drinks they want. 

Food doesn't need to be complicated either. Packeted chips, finger food, and salted pretzels will keep your guests happy and satisfied.

For those with some extra cash, consider making your very own charcuterie board, and buy a couple of bottles of wine.

Inform your neighbours of your party

No one likes a noisy neighbour. In this case, a little neighbourly camaraderie can go along way.

Inform your neighbour of your party, and even invite them if you'd like! Respect their boundaries and don't go overboard with loud music and rowdy houseguests. 

Here are some easy food recipes you can try for a house party:

Check out these light fixtures that will transform your house:

Don't wanna throw a party at your house? Check out these places:

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