
How Witty Can Malaysians Get? These Crazy #Nothing2Hide Memes Are All You Need As A Gauge

"Awak kat mana, awak awak kat mana?"

Cover image via Twitter @Blogserius

PM Najib Razak failed to show up at the Nothing2Hide Q&A forum this morning (5 June) after IGP Khalid Bakar ordered its organisers to cancel the event for safety reasons

The question-and-answer forum organised by non-government organisation Pertubuhan Sukarelawan Peguam Malaysia (SukaGuam) was meant to be a no-holds barred session with the Prime Minister on all issues - including the controversy over state investment firm 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB). About 1,500 from civil society groups and NGOs were expected to attend.

IGP Khalid's tweet came after former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir - who has been very vocal with his criticisms of Najib in recent days - arrived at PWTC for the dialogue session

The PM's aide confirmed at 10.00am that Najib will not be attending the forum upon advice from the police. Tun Mahathir, along with about 2,000 NGO and media representatives, were already at the event.

Tun M then stepped up to the stage to address the audience, only to be abruptly interrupted by a few police officers halfway through his speech concerning Jho Low's involvement with 1MDB. Later, at a press conference, Tun M criticised Najib on his absence.

"He (Najib) lost an opportunity to win over support for himself, to explain everything, no money is missing," he said.

Thanks to live updates from those who were at the event, netizens quickly caught on to the drama that was unfolding at PWTC. Before long, the hashtag #Nothing2Hide began trending on Twitter with many criticising the way things were handled at the event.

So really, it's only a matter of time before Internet trolls started making fun of the situation with their witty comments and (d'uh!) memes. Feast your eyes on some of our favourites...

1. You can run, but you can't hide from your fear of horror movies...

2. Oh no, is this a missing persons case? Better rope in the police for a search and rescue mission, guys!

3. Do you have the blood of warriors running through your veins? Then you'd better be brave enough to walk the talk...

4. You know you've made it when someone else curates a soundtrack for your life...

For those of you who have no idea what song that is, here you go. WARNING: This song may get stuck in your head for the rest of the day:

5. ... Or changes the lyrics to the IM4U anthem to match the situation at hand

6. Speaking of chicken, here's a modern twist to the classic "Why did the chicken cross the road?" joke

7. Manny vs. Mayweather is old news. Let's hear it for Tun M-anny vs. Najib-weather!

8. Najib's newly-appointed PR strategist should expect to have so much more than PR problems to worry about

9. Don't kick a man when he's already down!

10. Brace yourselves...

Image via

11. Writers of Now You See Me 3, we have some ideas you might wanna include in your script...

12. They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Well, they haven't tasted the power of a sharp tongue.

13. One more for the chou chou / bantal busuk club!

14. We can't help but wonder what the Malaccan Sultans of old think about this...

15. (giggles)

BONUS: Some people were also revealing random stuff about themselves under the #Nothing2Hide hashtag... and it's AWESOME.

No movie nor TV show could capture the drama that unfolded at the 'Nothing2Hide' event. Find out what really happened here:

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