
13 Legit Reasons To Defy North Korea And Watch 'The Interview' Anyway

North Korea would rather you don't, but here's why you should give the political comedy a chance... even though it may suck.

Cover image via Point Grey Pictures / Columbia Pictures

In case you missed it, Sony Pictures pulled the highly-controversial 'The Interview' from US theatres last week... only to release it in selected cinemas and online streaming services just in time for Christmas.

Sony Pictures suffered a major hack in its computer network earlier this month, causing a major leak of data including personal information, passwords and yet-to-be-released movies.

Investigators believe that the hack was ordered by North Korea in retaliation for the impending release of 'The Interview', starring Seth Rogen and James Franco as journalists who were tasked with assassinating Kim Jong-un after landing an interview with the North Korean leader.

Image via PerezHilton.com

With the hype surrounding the political comedy at an all-time high, here's why you should jump in the bandwagon and watch the movie that has North Korea and Kim Jong-un hopping mad:

1. For the sake of freedom in artistic expression and speech!

2. Also, as a show of solidarity against cyberbullying (we're looking at you, Sony hackers)

Image via Reddit

Nothing could be a more powerful statement against this kind of supposedly state-sponsored cyber-bullying than having the film turn from probable flop to cultural touchstone.


3. North Korea (i.e. Kim Jong-un) does not want us to see the film so true to our rebellious nature, we absolutely MUST see it

Image via wordpress.com

It is a simple, biological reaction to the action of being told “no.” If you want an example of the so-called biological reaction, see: young children, dogs, misc. pets. The simple fact that the hackers told us not to meant that thousands - if not millions - of people said “I kind of want to see that now.”


4. You're a fan of James Franco and Seth Rogen, the dynamic duo fronting the comedy

Remember their parody of Kanye West's 'Bound 2' music video? These guys are up for ANYTHING.

Image via netdna-cdn.com

5. For a glimpse of its special guest stars, like Joseph Gordon-Levitt playing with puppies...

6. ... Eminem dropping a HUGE bomb on journalist Dave Skylark (played by James Franco) and everyone else...

7. ... and Disney star-turned-hunk Zac Efron revealing his secret talent

8. You get to find out what North Korea's supreme leader Kim Jong-un is like behind the (fictional) scenes. He shares your love for Katy Perry...

9. ... throws wildly R-rated parties with 'Spin The Bottle' as its main attraction...

10. ... and casually hangs out with his best bro while blowing up a few trees, no biggie!

All in all, he's a pretty swell guy. Except for the fact that, you know, he's the tyrannical Supreme Leader.

Image via thaivisa.com

11. [SPOILER ALERT] The explosive end of everyone's favourite tyrannical leader

12. This movie probably won't land in Malaysian theatres, but you can watch it right in the comforts of your own home

Image via YouTube Movies

Besides being released for approximately 200 select cinemas in the US, 'The Interview' is also available for paid streaming on YouTube Movies, Google Play and Xbox Video.

Image via tumblr.com

13. Everyone is talking about it. Don't be that one friend who is left out of the conversation, man.

Image via tcdn.nl

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