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"When You Leave Your Man Alone For Awhile" — M'sian Turns His Hospital Stay Into A Cinema

His wife said he bought a projector for his two-week stay.

Cover image via @emynursyafiqah08 (TikTok)

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In a video that recently went viral, a man was shown watching a movie through a projector in a hospital ward

A TikTok post by @emynursyafiqah08 captured her husband sitting on a hospital bed with a film being projected on the wall.

Emy, the wife, humorously captioned the video, "When you leave your husband for a while," showing him turning the hospital ward into a mini cinema.

The projector is placed on the bedside table, which is usually used by patients for their meals.

Speaking to SAYS, Emy mentioned that her husband had initially not planned to bring in the projector, but after learning that he would have to stay in the hospital for at least two weeks, he decided to buy one and bring it in.

Image via @emynursyafiqah08 (TikTok)

She added that he had sought approval from the other patients before switching it on, and everyone gave their consent

The wife said all the patients would then watch movies together with her husband, and she even joked that a nurse had asked him where he bought the projector from.

She further mentioned that a lady at the end of the ward had even requested to watch the news.

Emy also emphasised that the other patients were fine with the arrangement, with the volume kept low enough for only those nearby to hear it.

Netizens praised her husband's resourcefulness, highlighting how he transformed a mundane situation into something more engaging

"Even those in neighbouring beds can join in," a user commented.

"Now, everyone is facing the projector. A month here wouldn't be boring with that friend around," another stated.

"Wow, they've made it feel like home. Their wardmates must be having a blast," remarked another.

Image via @emynursyafiqah08 (TikTok)

Meanwhile, others were curious about how the couple managed to set up the projector

"Can we use the power sockets in the hospital? Usually, we can't, and the nurses get upset," a user questioned.

Image via @emynursyafiqah08 (TikTok)

In a separate video, Emy explained that they had brought their own portable power station to the ward and had no issue from hospital staff.

She also added that in wards with extensive oxygen units, stricter regulations might apply.

Watch the video here:

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