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2 Bougie Corgis Fly Business Class To Thailand & Become Mini Celebrities At The Airport

Nothing but the best for these pampered pooches.

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Travelling by air can be tough when you're a pet paw-rent and have to consider if the airline you're flying with will accommodate your furballs or not

Well, it seems that air travel was no problem for these two corgis, who recently received the celebrity treatment from their owners and airport crew when flying from San Francisco, US, to Phuket, Thailand.

The corgis' journey was posted on Facebook by their owner, Tommy Suriwong, on 20 November, where he documented their entire airplane journey.

Suriwong said that he and his partner were relocating from San Francisco to Thailand and couldn't leave their four-legged children behind. So, they decided to bring their corgis, Mindy and Peanut, along with them. 

The journey was a daunting 17-hour flight, but with a layover in Singapore.

Despite that, Suriwong said that the corgis flew with ease and just "chilled" for the entire plane ride.

Business class corgis: Mindy (on the left) and Peanut (on the right).

Image via Tommy Suriwong (Facebook)

It also helped that their owners had them sit in Singapore Airline's (SIA) luxurious business class with them

Suriwong said that they planned the journey with their dogs one month in advance and confirmed that the preparation helped significantly.

Before the journey, Suriwong said that Mindy and Peanut's sleeping and eating schedules were modified in order to ensure that a chance of a bathroom mess would be minimised.

But accidents do eventually happen whenever you're travelling with a pet, as Mindy, Suriwong's older dog, had an accident when they were walking along the jetway into Changi Airport. However, Suriwong was well-prepared and had puppy pads, wet wipes, and poop bags at the ready in case something like this happened.

Mindy and Peanut were also exposed to airplane noises ahead of time so that they wouldn't be taken by surprise when they were actually on the plane. Suriwong said that he played the sounds on YouTube for several nights but said that the dogs were not bothered by it.

As a final step of preparation, Mindy and Peanut were brought to the airport in the US to get use to the checking in procedures and meet the ground crew.

"The dogs got the celebrity treatment (as usual), with the ground crew taking selfies with them and giving them lots of cuddle and pets. We also got time to ask questions and verify the document list we had was correct. We also talked to some folks over at the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) on the process of bringing the dogs through security, which was very helpful," Suriwong related in his post.

Image via @mindyandpeanutcorgifam (Instagram)

For anyone concerned about having dogs on the plane, Suriwong assured that his canines were very well-behaved and calm on the whole flight

"I purposely chose the row nearest to the exits. Also our dogs are well-behaved, so it's not like they were barking or running around. [They] mostly just slept and cuddled," he said.

Suriwong said that the pups were given gabapentin — a dog medication meant to treat anxiety — at regular intervals.

"We timed it perfectly so they'd fall sleep right as we were about to take off and land," said Suriwong.

He also revealed that Mindy and Peanut are emotional support animals, and he and his partner had the necessary documents to allow his four-legged companions onto the plane. They also acquired a transshipment licence to bring them into Singapore, as well as an import permit to bring the dogs to Thailand.

According to Mothership, a SIA spokesperson confirmed that the animals were certified emotional support dogs and that additional seats were not purchased specifically for them.

Following SIA's website guidelines, emotional support animals are allowed onboard their aircrafts, provided that the handlers follow these guidelines:

- smaller dogs (no bigger than a 2-year-old child) sit on the lap of its handler
- larger dogs must be sat at on the floor in front of the passenger seat
- must not occupy a seat
- must be leashed or kept in a pet carrier at all times
- must not obstruct the legroom of other customers
- must not block the aisle or emergency exit

SIA's guidelines for emotional support dogs.

Image via Singapore Airlines

If you don't want to leave your pets behind, this Thai airline lets you bring your four-legged babies on-board their flights:

But if bringing your pets on trips isn't possible, here are some pet hotels your furbabies can have their own holiday at:

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